Enough with the lockdowns: what changes for Covid with the new Meloni government

New Meloni government, new Covid rules for Green pass , lockdown and vaccines. The statements made during the election campaign by the new Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, together with other positions expressed by members of the government and the winning party of the elections, Fratelli d’Italia, already suggest that the management of the Coronavirus pandemic in Italy will be different from that of previous governments. However, there will also be continuity profiles for some measures: let’s see which ones. 

No more closures and lockdowns 

The Meloni government seems to be acting in discontinuity with respect to the past on some Covid rules. In particular, closures and lockdowns could be significantly reduced. As said by the Prime Minister Meloni herself, “Unfortunately we cannot exclude a new wave of Covid or the emergence of a new pandemic in the future – said Meloni in the speech before the confidence vote in the Chamber of Deputies – But we can learn from the past to be ready. Italy has adopted the most restrictive measures in the entire West, severely limiting the fundamental freedoms of people and economic activities, but despite this it is among the states that have recorded the worst data in terms of mortality and infections “.

For Meloni “something definitely did not work and therefore I want to say right now that we will not replicate that model in any case”, he stressed. Exponents of the Brothers of Italy confirmed the line of their political leader: the new government will adopt a discontinuous approach on the management of the pandemic, “appealing to science rather than, as happened in the past, to taking ideological positions that have led the country to closures even when the virus was not circulating “.

The position of the new Meloni government on vaccines and the Green pass

In April 2021 Meloni argued that, at that moment, it was necessary to “reschedule the reopening, because we cannot imagine that the lockdown and closures are our normality, I am thinking for example of the issue of the digital green certificate. We were the first to support it, we hope that it will be adopted as soon as possible in a horizon of total reciprocity with all the other European states, essential for restoring freedom of movement and above all restarting tourism ”. On the Green pass, therefore, the Meloni government could act in continuity with the past ones. 

The new Minister of Health, Orazio Schillaci, is also in favor of the green certificate. Rector of the University of Tor Vergata in Rome, in 2021 said that “the Green pass remains an indispensable tool for guaranteeing safety in university classrooms”.

There should also be continuity on vaccines: Schillaci said that “we have not had any problems in our university. It is extraordinary that 90% of the students got vaccinated. They have shown great civic sense ”. 

The Covid Commission of Inquiry

In the speech delivered before the confidence vote in the Chamber of Deputies, Meloni spoke of the need to “clarify” on Covid. Some members of the Brothers of Italy have said that the group will present a request to open a commission of inquiry on Covid as it was also envisaged in the electoral campaign.

Government Meloni, all the latest news live

The logic of the commission of inquiry – it is underlined – is not punitive towards the health workers who “kept the system up and running in a dramatic moment”, but will serve to shed light on who “at that stage thought about getting rich, for example on masks “. 

Speranza replies: “Meloni continues to campaign”

“The Italian model has always placed the protection of the right to health and the centrality of scientific evidence at the center. It is a pity that Meloni has not yet emerged from the electoral campaign. Not a word about vaccines, which were the fundamental factor in closing the most recent phase. hard. Are you still afraid of displeasing the no vax who voted for it? “. It is the hot reply of the former Minister of Health Roberto Speranza at the end of the speech by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in the passage that concerned the pandemic and the model defined as ‘restrictive’ against Covid.

Roberto Speranza was Minister of Health during the pandemic in the Conte bis and Draghi governments: now some of his measures could change, but it must be said that the current phase of the pandemic is profoundly different from that experienced by Speranza: some promises by Meloni on closures and green passes may be relatively easy to maintain. 
