Tips to get more retweets on Twitter

I just found a page that I thought was amazing, created by the new and successful  Dan Zarella  (currently promoted on Twitter), he is a specialist in the subject of social networks and is currently working for the company  HubSpot .

Over many years, he has studied how Twitter works and has done a deep scientific study on retweets. He has found 5 specific points that graphically show the statistical information that he has managed to process and collect in said social network.

Below I leave the results of his research in the form of an infographic, if you want to know more about social networks, be sure to visit his personal page, I leave the link at the end of this post.

Pay close attention to the graphs that I leave below, because this information is very valuable and cannot be found anywhere:retweet tips

I translate the five recommendations, adding my personal touch:

  1. Tweeting links:  As we can see, the percentage of tweets that have links that are retweeted is much higher than the percentage of tweets that have links compared to all links. Conclusion: there is a small percentage of tweets with links, but they generate a lot of retweets. If you want to get more retweets you should somehow recommend good links through your Twitter account. I have something to add about this. It has been a very good experience for me to put together online newspapers of the type to put together the most interesting of this powerful internet 2.0 tool, what does consist of? Basically define the sources of information and the content that you are interested in gathering and publishing in an online newspaper and then read it when you have time. This tool takes hashtags that you are interested in following, and notifies your information sources that their links have been published. A super useful tool if you are a blogger or journalist, or if you like to follow a particular hashtag. I have made several newspapers on and people thank you very much for helping them spread their links, plus they almost always retweet your newspaper (because it mentions them, of course). In the long run, you will end up gathering more followers and the number of Retweets will increase. I have several newspapers, called: Anime, Manga and VideogamesThe Man ‘s Newspaper ,  The Woman’s Newspaper , WTF NewsYOU WILL LIKE THISETVaG: Literature , Spirituality and Occultism  and  NO TO PEDOPHILIA . I use them not only to strengthen my networking, but also to stay informed before I start blogging, because even though I talk about stupid things I like to keep up with all the latest before sitting down to write posts in my personal space. Trust me, use  and actually read the topics you like the most. It is the best way to strengthen your experience in social networks.
  2. Ask to be ReTweeted:  I was very impressed by this statistical information because if we put “please ReTweet” (please ReTweet) we will generate more RTs than if we ask for it in other ways. Notice the 51% Please ReTweet compared to 39% Please RT. Try it for yourselves, when you finish reading this go to the bottom of this post, share this link on Twitter and don’t forget to add “Please ReTweet” (not otherwise), if you get a lot of retweets please let me know richmza.
  3. Stop talking about yourself. Obviously if the only thing we do is talk about us, us, us, there will come a time when not only are they going to not retweet us, but they are going to unfollow us. Not to mention if we insult, are permanently sarcastic or only use Twitter to annoy. Among the people who are not famous, those who contribute to the world with a charitable cause are the ones who earn the most followers and retweets. I have experienced this many times, it is enough that I tweet something against pedophilia with the hashtag NOalapedofilia and add “Please Retweet” and I have achieved many Retweets. People join us when we fight for a healthy cause, sometimes a single person can have a huge impact, even if it’s spreading a link that contains useful information that serves society. I am not saying that they are in “Teresa of Calcutta Mode: ON” all day,
  4. Say new things. It is well known that tweeting news is the most retweeted on this social network. The good thing about this graph is that it tells us that the order of priority for Retweets is descending in the following order: News, How-To, Entertainment, Opinions, Products, and “Small Talk” (bullshit?). It is obvious that if we have a unique personality, our tweets will also be unique and unrepeatable. If we are genuine and use our imagination, not only will we contribute to the overall quality of retweets increasing, but also our followers will strive to tweet things at the same level, which forces us all to evolve within this social network. If everyone was honest and genuine on all social media the poke world would evolve into a place full of bright, intelligent people.
  5. Tweet about Twitter:  If we want to get many Retweets we should include the word “Twitter” in our Tweets since 300% of RTs mention Twitter and very few mention Facebook.