Today I am going to develop the subject of hydration, more specifically, how important this element is in our body, based on the fact that all the cells of the organism need water to achieve a maximum state of health and well-being; In addition, being the most abundant substance and being essential for hydration, it is the fundamental pillar of certain physiological functions such as the regulation of blood pressure, body temperature, digestion and respiration.
As we all know, in the composition of our body, 70-75% is water, so it is more than evident that it is an essential substance to keep it healthy, because it is an effective vehicle for transporting vitamins, mineral salts, in the elimination of toxins or other waste products, among other functions.
On the other hand, it has other benefits, such as:
> Regulate body temperature throughout the day, which will make us feel more energetic or reduce fatigue; this state occurs when sweat evaporates from the surface of the skin, cooling it. As for fatigue, it is a product of the fact that the low concentration of water in the body generates low blood volume, so our heart, while pumping oxygenated blood to cells and other organs, has to work more, which it will cause tiredness or lack of strength.
> Keeping the muscles and joints lubricated , which prevents the appearance of other conditions such as sprains, cramps or even headaches, lumbago (pain in the lumbar region) and arthritis (although the cause of this disease is not well proven, we must know that cartilage needs water to keep the joints well lubricated, preventing the bones from rubbing against each other during movement and the formation of injuries).
Dehydration has multiple implications or sequelae that lead to reduced physical and mental performance.
As far as headaches and migraines are concerned , it occurs because in the absence of water the body cannot regulate its temperature effectively. And they can manifest in different ways in each person: it is usual for a throbbing pain to appear, on one or both sides of the head.
> Present more hydrated skin , which equals more elastic and beautiful tissue, which will help skin with scars, acne, wrinkles and other signs and symptoms of aging.
> Reduces chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) : drink between 2 and 3 liters of water a day, depending on your body structure and level of physical activity, added to staying active or moving, with a healthy diet —low in sodium and poor quality fats—, free of tobacco and alcohol will help us reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and other ECNT (Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases), such as cancer: some scientific studies have shown that water consumption reduces the risk of bladder and colon cancer, by helping to destroy or eliminate the agents that cause this pathology.
> Helps the digestive system to function properly, preventing constipation, because water, in sufficient quantity, increases metabolism —the food we eat breaks down efficiently. In addition, it reduces bad breath ; This is because water is necessary for saliva, which helps rid your mouth of bacteria.
> Helps our body fight against diseases: when the body receives the sufficient and adequate amount of water, it improves the immune system, allowing it to fight against diseases such as the flu, colds, kidney stones or, as I said above, against CNCDs or other health problems, such as rheumatism, arthritis, etc.
And also, it helps to lose weight, and with it avoids falling into the adjacent diseases —overweight and obesity— that are the transition between risk factors and CNCDs; when we drink water the stomach fills up, making us lose our appetite. It is a substance that does not contain calories, fat, carbohydrates or sugars and is a great replacement for high-calorie drinks.
To finish, I point out that it is essential or vital to drink water frequently , without waiting to be thirsty — when you feel thirsty, the body is dehydrated. And dehydration has multiple implications or sequelae that lead to reduced physical and mental performance, for example, by affecting all organic levels, especially the central nervous system.