Choosing how to dress is a lifestyle: Fashion influences the psyche

Fashion exploits psychology, influencing a person’s character, but when the person chooses how to dress it is a real lifestyle.

fashion psychology personality

Fashion exploits psychology, influencing a person’s character, but when the person chooses how to dress it is a real lifestyle. Other than if someone’s personality is understood from the dress, this is because the way of dressing expresses character , emotions and mood. Clothes influence the psyche and can even affect performance and sociability.

If, for example, you feel comfortable with what you wear, you improve social relations, you feel more convinced and confident. These are not far-fetched notions, it is what is called ” fashion psychology “. Each person adopts the outfit that she prefers to be able to express herself at best. Everyday life is marked by clothing, this is a social phenomenon that brings out character and personality. But what is the relationship between fashion and psychology?

Fashion and psychology, clothing is a way of life

fashion psychology

Clothing is a way of expressing oneself and one’s character. Wearing smart clothes or casual clothes doesn’t just depend on the event you are attending. It is precisely a lifestyle . Some outfits make us feel more reliable, others more sensual, others more genuine. Often, the dress makes the monk, it is useless to go around it, and we choose to be and how to transmit it through the clothes.

In this case, the clothes become a lifestyle, a philosophy, through which we give the best of ourselves. Several studies have been conducted on how clothing and fashion affect the psyche of man . Wearing the right clothes makes a person more self-confident, more successful and more charming. This obviously is only a personal sensation, a perception that everyone feels but it is not certain that the same sensations are perceived from the outside.

Only we know what makes us feel better. The dress has a profound effect on psychology , and this at any age. In this case, the experiment conducted at the University of Hertfordshire, in England, where the students were divided into two groups, is curious. The first group was asked to wear superhero jerseys, the second group shared jerseys. The first group reported feeling more glamorous and powerful, which was then confirmed by strength and power exercises in the gym.

Social relationships and fashion psychology

fashion character person

In this case, the superhero fashion influenced the sports performance of those present. The other students, however, those who wore simple shirts, found no improvement. This is because fashion hasn’t affected their psyche. But there are several similar studies, and all have confirmed the interaction between fashion and mood. The psychology of fashion therefore plays an important role in social relations .

Not surprisingly, in recent years university courses have arisen precisely on the communicative aspects of fashion and image consultancy. In addition, the influence that the colors of clothes have on the human mind was also analyzed. It turned out, for example, that a red women’s dress is more eye-catching and evokes charm and sensuality. Other colors, on the other hand, evoke other sensations.

Among other things, the type of dress also affects psychology: according to some data, a woman tends to wear make-up and to dress scantily in the period in which she is most fertile. Her while she wears more comfortable jeans and clothes when she is sadder. Men, on the other hand, enjoy more respect when dressed in formal attire. This is because, traditionally, elegant clothes are associated with important figures and prominent social roles.

At the end of the day, we tend to always wear the same clothes, or in any case to always buy very similar clothes. This happens because only one fashion style makes us feel good about ourselves, it is our comfort zone. So we choose fashion, we choose how to be and how to show ourselves to others. We do it according to our lifestyle and our look.
